
During 14-17 June 2023, Europe’s largest technology showcase – VivaTech – hosted more than 150,000 visitors and 450 speakers from 174 countries in Paris, France. VivaTech accelerates innovation by connecting startups, tech leaders, major corporations and investors who are using technology to respond to our world’s biggest challenges. Speaking at VivaTech, French President, Emmanuel Macron, announced his country’s bold plans and investments in positive-impact startups (nearly €6 billion) and artificial intelligence (€500 million), respectively. For the second year running, Viva Technology and
Despite the potential for increased profitability and the global commercial opportunity offered by the women's market, the insurance industry in developing countries is confronted with significant challenges when it comes to addressing gender diversity and equality. Despite the IFC's SheforShield report indicating that women are more profitable clients, the industry continues to struggle with gender-based wage gaps and inequalities, which not only hinder women's potential in the industry but also limit their contribution to the broader economy. According to the report, the global insurance
Du 10 et le 14 juillet, le GIIF, en collaboration avec Gallagher Re, a organisé une tournée d'étude au Maroc dans le cadre d'un programme de renforcement des capacités destiné aux acteurs du secteur public et privé travaillant sur des produits d'assurance indicielle basés sur l'agriculture dans les pays francophones d'Afrique de l'Ouest. L'objectif global de ce programme est d'évaluer les principaux défis liés au développement de l'assurance agricole en Afrique de l'Ouest et d'identifier les solutions les plus prometteuses pour y remédier. Cette tournée d'étude, l'échange de partage des
The agriculture landscape in DRC has seen significant traction over the last decade. On the other hand, there are also concerns regarding limited access to agricultural innovations, decreased productivity, reduced agricultural yields and lower product quality for consumers, both at the household and market levels. The country is especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change and because 95% of DRC’s agriculture is rain-fed, the sector is highly susceptible to weather changes. In addition, smallholder farmers, who mostly lack financial support, dominate the agriculture sector and they
Le paysage agricole en RDC a connu une progression significative au cours de la dernière décennie. Cependant, des inquiétudes persistent concernant l'accès limité aux innovations agricoles, la baisse de productivité, la diminution des rendements agricoles et la qualité inférieure des produits pour les consommateurs, tant au niveau des ménages que des marchés. Le pays est particulièrement vulnérable aux effets du changement climatique, et étant donné que 95 % de l'agriculture en RDC dépend des précipitations, ce secteur est hautement susceptible des variations météorologiques. De plus, les
From July 10-14, GIIF, in collaboration with Gallagher Re, organized a study tour to Morocco as part of a capacity-building program for public and private sector stakeholders working on agriculture-based index insurance products in West African francophone countries. The overarching goal of this program is to evaluate the primary challenges in developing agricultural insurance in West Africa and identify the most promising solutions to address these issues. For the study tour, the South-South knowledge-sharing exchange brought together participants from Burkina Faso, DRC, Niger, and Senegal
In June 2023, the Insurance Development Forum (IDF) convened high-level global experts from governments, international organizations, civil society and academia at the IDF Summit in Zurich to chart the path towards delivering greater financial climate resilience and inclusivity. As climate change continues to intensify, the Summit's theme of “Ambition, Action & Impact” captured the urgency with which global actors must move to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals – especially those most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The Summit focused on how partnerships among public
It all started with a dream: to increase access to credit and contribute to securing the livelihoods of the rural poor in Uganda – mainly farmers. It was unfamiliar terrain. Typically, smallholder farmers lacked a credit history, and in the case of women, lacked both a credit history and acceptable forms of collateral such as land that could be used to secure a commercial loan from a bank. Where farmers could access informal loans, the money lenders charged them exorbitant interest rates. This discouraged farmers from using these loans to buy farm inputs such as quality seed that could
In a recent interview with Pedro Pinheiro, the coordinator of the Insurance Development Forum (IDF) Inclusive Insurance Working Group, we gained insights into a new joint initiative to scale inclusive insurance in Africa and Asia. The IDF is a public/private partnership led by the insurance industry and supported by international organizations. The IDF was first announced at the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP21) Paris Climate summit in 2015 and was officially launched by leaders of the United Nations, the World Bank and the insurance industry in 2016. The new phase follows an
The recent panel discussion at the 2023 World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meeting, " Expanding Opportunities for Women's Leadership," shed light on the importance of empowering women entrepreneurs and leaders. The panelists, Makhtar Diop, Managing Director, IFC; Melinda French Gates, Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Adji Bousso Dieng, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Princeton University, emphasized the need to increase the number of women in leadership positions and support women-owned businesses, highlighting the crucial role played by