The Syngenta Foundation’s Kilimo Salama weather index insurance program has taken off in Kenya and has recently expanded to Rwanda and Tanzania. Beginning in 2009 with a pilot project offering index insurance to 200 farmers, at last count 51,000 farmers in Kenya and 14,000 farmers in Rwanda have the insurance. In 2011, Kilimo Salama’s partner UAP Insurance collected KSh 19 million in premium payments, and premium revenue has nearly doubled to KSh 33 million in just the first six months of 2012. These premium volumes are approaching levels than can make index insurance economically sustainable
The Insurance Regulatory Authority of Kenya (IRA) requested financial, technical, the human resources assistance from GIIF for a legal and regulatory review as well as some assistance in drafting a new legal and regulatory framework for microinsurance and index-insurance. IRA also expressed an urgent need for assistance in building its technical capacity and the promotion of consumer awareness and insurance understanding.