
Developing Climate Risk Management Approaches for Flood Risks
The overall aim of the project is to prepare the ground for implementing risk transfer solutions within an integrated flood risk management approach for SMEs in an industrial park in Morocco, near Agadir.
ACRI+ Develop Insurability:  Strengthening Resilience for SMEs in Industrial Zones in Morocco
The core objective of the project is to increase resilience to extreme weather events for SMEs in the Industrial Zone AÏt Melloul.
Ms. Fatou Assah (left), Program Manager of the WBG's Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF), and Mr. Antoine Bavadi (middle), Financial Sector Specialist from the Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (DRFI) Program, spoke at the 41st General Assembly of FANAF (African Federation of Insurance Companies for African national law) on February 14. 2017 in Marrakech. Both World Bank experts were sharing their international experiences with index insurance and catastrophic risk financing as risk management tools to protect communities from natural disasters and environmental hazards. The panel
World Bank Experts Share International Experiences with Index Insurance and Catastrophic Risk Financing at 41th General Assembly of FANAF
Ms. Fatou Assah (left) , Program Manager of the WBG's Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF), and Mr. Antoine Bavadi (right) , Financial Sector Specialist from the Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (DRFI) Program, spoke at the 41st General Assembly of FANAF (African Federation of Insurance Companies for African national law) on February 14. 2017 in Marrakech. The World Bank experts were sharing their international experiences with index insurance and catastrophic risk financing as risk management tools to protect communities from natural disasters and environmental hazards. The panel
Panel Presentation: Coverage of Natural Disasters and Environmental risks
World Bank Group's Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) and Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (DRFI) Program are presenting international experiences with index insurance and catastrophic risk financing at the 41th General Assembly of FANAF ( African Federation of Insurance Companies for African national law). The session will be joined by the Moroccan Federation of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies and the African Risk Capacity. For more information, visit
Advancing Financial Inclusion Through Access to Insurance: the Role of Postal Networks
With 1.5 billion people worldwide getting access to financial services through a post office, postal networks are powerful tools to advance financial inclusion. Posts have already proved to have comparative advantages in remote areas and with specific vulnerable groups – the poor, the less educated and those in the informal economy – compared with other financial services providers. This study by the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) delves into the transformative potential of postal networks into well-suited providers of insurance. The report